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Satisfy & Delight Your Guests
William Campbell envisioned an infirmary food platter of the greatest quality in 1951. That success from a little factory in Southern California has branched into 14,000 products offered throughout Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and North America. The food service industry owes a bit of gratitude for all that Cambro has brought to the dinner table and beyond. 
Cambro’s practice of constantly creating new wares that help food service employees save time and capital, boost sales, decrease workforce and enhance service is why they are still growing in 2020! Working with healthcare to hotels, caterers to food chains, to churches and schools demonstrates Cambro’s willingness to branch out in all segments of food service.  
A company can’t grow without customers. Taking hospitals trays to the next level was only the beginning in the 50’s for Cambro. Cambro’s philosophy of listening to the customer allowed the company to blossom in all sectors of the food service industry. William Cambro stuck to his principles of value, innovation, and quality as his success formula. Today, his son Argyle, the CEO, holds the same values and beliefs for Cambro.
Superior Experience While Enhancing Profitability
Restaurants, senior care homes, catering, or even those with large families will find something needed now for your kitchen needs. Cambro strives to improve their manufacturing methods to be more efficient in terms of method and resources, to maintain expenses at their lowest while keeping our planet healthy. With 14,000 products from Cambro, there is something for everyone to utilize.
Supplier Of The Year!
Cambro dedication to the food service didn’t go unrewarded. The company was delighted to be distinguished by a prominent provider in the United Kingdom, 3663 as the Supplier of the Year along with our master distributor in the UK, FEM (Foodservice Equipment Marketing) in 2013. Again in 2013, Cambro received honors for their The Combo Cart™ Plus for becoming the first hot holding cabinet in the industry to receive the desired seal of approval from the Green Restaurant Association, a non-profit organization that has been greening eateries since 1990. 
Trusted For Generations
A family owned and operated company, Cambro is the epitome of dedication to their field. Not just restaurants, but all where food service is being performed, Cambro is working alongside! After working in the food industry all day, or just ordering some new Cambro products, sit down and relax afterwards with a cup of coffee. Learn the history of coffee and more about the brilliant bean HERE! Then, go check out all the awesome coffee makers!
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